How we can help
If you're looking to grow hair or a beard...
All of the products we offer here at Stonewood Silk contain essential oils that support healthy hair growth, apply a thin layer daily ideally to damp hair or skin and our oils burrow deep beneath the surface to help your focus areas realise their potential. You won't find nutrition like this anywhere else.
Abundant Rising hair & beard oil
Collection suggestions:
If you're looking to fill in any gaps in your beard, hairline or problem area...
We offer a selection of products with a higher concentration designed to be used topically on problem areas that may require more stimulation or nutrition. We've uniquely combined some of our best performing oils to bring you solutions to your long and short term concerns.
Collection suggestions:
If you're looking to see the hair/ beard you already have flourish...
Our extensive research allows us to offer you an array of products that will consistently support healthy growth, provide softness throughout & deeply nourish surrounding & supporting skin, as well as yielding wonderfully exquisite scents.
Signature hair & beard conditioner
Beard cleanliness suggestions:
Clear skin
You won't find our unique combination of oils anywhere else. We've put our heart and soul into creating a product that loves and respects all skin and hair types.
Our signature soap can be usely primarily as a face cleanser and if you don’t see serious improvements in a matter of weeks we'll give you your money back.
If you're here to repair and revitalise damaged hair...
Many of our essential oils were selected specifically due to their ability to repair & replenish damaged hair follicles. With continued use we can breathe new life into old and tired roots and ends. Long term protection and maintenance shall follow.
Abundant Rising hair & beard oil
Signature hair & beard conditioner
Collection suggestions:
Sensitive skin?
Our vigorous testing process was largely successful at making sure our oils were perfect for all skin types but we always recommend using sparingly and carefully if you have long standing skin issues. Oils like hemp seed, bergamot and amla work wonders for everything from alopecia to psoriasis but again we do advise using with care. Contact us at for specialist advice.
We'd love to hear your feedback about our products, email us at so we can gather your thoughts and improve the products and service you receive.